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Alcohol Licensing, Permits and Resources

Applications Forms

To operate legally within Maryland’s alcohol Industry, businesses must obtain the appropriate licenses and permits. Whether you’re applying for a new license or renewing an existing one, this section provides all the necessary forms, guidelines, and resources to help you through the process. If you need assistance at any point, please visit our Support Page for additional guidance.

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All Forms

Additional License Location

This permit allows a licensee to add a new branch or location to their existing alcohol license.

Applicant Record and Financial Statement

This form provides an individual applicant’s work history and personal financial information for use in alcohol license applications.

Change In License Location

This permit allows a licensee to transfer the location of their existing alcohol license to a new address within Maryland.

Class C Special License

This form is for clubs, societies, or organizations operating for educational, social, fraternal, or similar purposes to permit the sale of alcohol (beer, wine, and liquor) at specific events held by the organization.

Class E-F-G-License-Combined

Class E-F-Or-G License

These licenses allow the sale of alcohol on water vessels (Class E), railroads (Class F), and airplanes (Class G).

Manufacturers And Wholesalers Licenses

This license allows individuals or businesses to manufacture and/or distribute alcoholic beverages in Maryland.

Statewide Caterer’s License Catered Event Certificate And Notice

Statewide Caterer’s License (Catering Combined)

This license permits caterers to serve alcohol at events across multiple political subdivisions in Maryland.

Alcohol Awareness Permit

This permit authorizes the operation of an alcohol awareness program or the certification of instructors who conduct training.

Application for Fuel – Alcohol Permit

Brewery Special Event

This permit allows breweries to host special events on their premises or at designated locations.

Bulk Transfer Permit

This permit allows licensed beverage retailers to transfer their alcoholic beverage inventory to other licensees when discontinuing or transferring their business.

Charity Wine Auction Permit

For registered charitable organization in Maryland that may apply for this permit to host a wine auction event.

Common Carrier Direct Wine Shipment Permit

This permit allows common carriers to transport wine from direct wine shippers to Maryland consumers.

Direct Delivery Permit Application

Maryland-based manufacturers (wineries, breweries, and distilleries) who wish to deliver alcoholic beverages directly to consumers.

Direct Wine Shipper Permit

This permit allows licensed wineries to ship wine directly to Maryland consumers.

National Family Beer and/or Wine Exhibition Permit

This permit allows national family beer, wine, and/or liquor associations to hold exhibitions in Maryland where alcoholic beverages can be showcased.

Non-profit Festival Permit

This permit allows non-profit organizations to host festivals promoting Maryland beer, wine, and liquor.

Non-Resident Brewery Permit

This permit is available to breweries outside Maryland that produce less than 22,500 barrels of their own beer annually.

Non-Resident Distillery Permit

Permit for distilleries outside Maryland that produce less than 100,000 gallons of liquor annually.

Non-Resident Winery Permit

For wineries outside Maryland that produce less than 27,500 gallons of wine annually.

Off Site Permit

This permit allows breweries, wineries, and distilleries to participate in off-site events, including farmers markets and festivals, and sell or provide samples of alcoholic beverages.

Private Bulk Sale Permit

This permit allows an individual or business to sell alcoholic beverages in bulk in compliance with Maryland laws.

Retail Off-Site Permit

This permit allows licensed retail alcohol sellers to participate in off-site events, such as farmers markets or non-profit festivals, and sell alcoholic beverages.

Solicitors Permit

For Individuals who represent Maryland-licensed or permit-holding companies selling or distributing alcoholic beverages.

Direct Wine Shipper’s Permit Application Checklist

Checklist for Direct Wine Shipper's Permit

Manufacturer and Wholesaler License Checklist

This checklist outlines the required documents for applying for a Manufacturer or Wholesaler License in Maryland.

Non-Resident Brewery Permit Checklist

Checklist for Non-Resident Brewery Permit Application

Non-Resident Dealer Beer Permit Checklist

Checklist for Non-Resident Dealer Beer Permit

Non-Resident Dealer Wine & Liquor Permit Checklist

Checklist For Wine & Distilled Spirits Non-Resident Or Resident Dealer Permit Application

Non-Resident Distillery Permit Application Checklist

Checklist For Non-Resident Distillery Permit Application

Non-Resident Winery Permit Application Checklist

Checklist For Non-Resident Winery Permit Application

Statewide Caterer’s License (SCAT) Checklist

Checklist To Apply For A Maryland Statewide Caterer's (SCAT) License

Water Vessel License Checklist

Checklist For Water Vessel Beer, Wine And Liquor License Application

Additional Vehicle Identification Cards

This form is used by holders of public transportation, public storage & transportation, or individual transportation permits to order additional Vehicle Identification Cards (VIDs).

Beer Franchise Form

This form is used to declare or update franchise agreements between beer suppliers and Maryland wholesalers.

Direct Delivery Form

This form is required for every direct delivery of alcoholic beverages from a manufacturer to a consumer in Maryland.

Intent To Participate In An Off-Site Event

This form is used by off-site permit holders to notify the ATCC of their intent to participate in events such as farmer's markets or non-profit festivals.

Keg Registration Booklet Order Form

This form is used by licensees to order Keg Registration Booklets required for selling kegs of beer.

Monthly Report of Retail License Activity

This form tracks retail license activities, including new licenses, transfers, renewals, and cancellations.

Monthly Report of Violations, Suspensions, and Revocations

This form is used to report any violations, suspensions, or revocations of alcoholic beverage licenses on a monthly basis.

Schedule of Planned Promotional Activities

This form is used to report planned promotional activities for alcoholic beverages, such as brand promotions or giveaways.

Attention Delivery Drivers

Are you looking for a Vehicle Identification Permit?

In order to transport Alcohol products in Maryland, you are required to have a Vehicle Identification Permit.

Do You Have A
Complaint Or Tip?

Report a Violation or
File a Complaint here.

ATCC Enforcement of Underage Tobacco Sales

ATCC 2024 Annual Report

ATCC Connect Summer 2024

ATCC Commissioner Updates

ATCC Enforcement Activity, FY2024

Permit Now Required for Local Alcohol Delivery by a Third-party Contractor

Contact by Email

Tips and Complaints

Report Violations or File a Complaint

Help us uphold Maryland’s alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis regulations by providing information about violations or non-compliance. Whether you’re submitting a tip about a potential violation or filing a formal complaint, your input is essential to maintaining a safe and well-regulated marketplace.
Please choose one of the following options to proceed:

Submit a Tip

Have information related to violations or non-compliance? Submit a tip to help us maintain regulatory standards.
Please include any relevant informations, such as names of businesses or individuals who may be in violation.
Would you like to be contacted by an agent?

File a Complaint

File a formal complaint related to alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis sales or distribution practices in Maryland.
Please include any relevant informations, such as names of businesses or individuals who may be in violation.
Would you like an agent contact you?

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