Tobacco Licensing,
Permits and Resources

Maryland’s tobacco industry is governed by comprehensive regulations designed to safeguard public health, ensure responsible trade, and protect consumers. The Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission (ATCC) oversees the licensing, compliance, and enforcement of tobacco laws to prevent underage sales, regulate product distribution, and promote transparency within the industry.
It is important for all entities involved in the manufacturing, distribution, and retail of tobacco products to comply with Maryland’s laws and health standards.
Common violations include:
Unpaid Tobacco Tax
It is unlawful to possess, sell, or attempt to sell other tobacco products for which the Maryland tobacco tax has not been paid
Purchasing from Unlicensed Wholesalers
It is unlawful to possess or sell tobacco products that were not purchased from a Maryland-licensed wholesaler, ensuring compliance with state regulations.
Improper or Unstamped Cigarettes
It is unlawful to possess, sell, or offer for sale improperly stamped or unstamped cigarettes. All cigarettes sold in Maryland must have the Maryland tax stamp affixed to each pack.
- Section
Regulatory Resources & Agencies
State Agencies
Health Departments
Federal Agencies
- Tools & Resources