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ATCC Commits to Supporting Maryland’s Brewing Industry at Guilford Hall Meeting

On January 31, 2024, Guilford Hall Brewery in Baltimore hosted a gathering of the Brewers Association of Maryland, and invited the Alcohol Tobacco and Cannabis Commission (ATCC), the Office of the Maryland Comptroller, and Maryland’s brewing community to attend. Executive Director Jeffrey A. Kelly, joined by Director Thomas R. Akras, of the Legal and Legislative Division were honored to attend and show the ATCC’s support for brewers as they navigate regulations and challenges in alcohol manufacturing.

Executive Director Kelly addressed the gathering to discuss modernization, regulatory compliance, and the ATCC’s commitment to conducting more inspections. Kelly explained, “Our role involves conducting more inspections of the breweries, wineries, and distilleries we license. The purpose of these inspections is two-fold: not to find fault, first, to potentially recognize that you are doing things right. Secondly, to encourage you to remain within the legal framework.”

Thomas R. Akras echoed Kelly’s comments by emphasizing the agency’s dedication to being a support system for the brewing industry. Per Akras, the ATCC aims to be a valuable resource for brewers, and he encouraged them to reach out with any questions or needs to ensure their businesses flourish.


Maryland Comptroller Brooke Lierman was also a featured speaker at the event. Comptroller Lierman discussed her office’s initiatives to modernize systems, such as moving to a new online tax portal called Maryland Tax Connect. Comptroller Lierman also highlighted new programs, including the private letter rulings allowing businesses to get state tax opinions. Other representatives from the Comptroller’s Office joined Comptroller Lierman to answer questions about tax and regulatory issues affecting Maryland’s breweries.


The Brewers Association of Maryland meeting is an example of open communication between regulators and the brewing industry. By responding to questions on crucial issues such as excise taxes, production limits, and the intricacies of alcohol and cannabis regulations, the ATCC shows its commitment to creating policies that support the brewing community and are guided by a deep understanding of the industry’s needs. The ATCC thanks the Brewer’s Association of Maryland for inviting the agency to its January meeting and is eager to engage with groups in each segment of the alcoholic beverages industry at events like this throughout Maryland.


You are being redirected to the Comptroller of Maryland’s MD Tax Connect website.

The ATCC does not administrate the MD Tax Connect portal, nor is it responsible for the collection of taxes for any business purposes. Please contact the Office of the Comptroller at 1-800-MDTAXES if you require assistance with these resources.

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