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Public Commission Meeting #46

October 17, 2024
Disclaimer: Transcripts are generated and may contain errors, including typos or misinterpretations of the spoken content, and may not follow the video content precisely. While we strive for accuracy, please verify critical information independently.


Alan Silverstein -ATCC-: Check this light off. if that’s any better That’s not. All right. I’ll be shiny and bright today.

Alan Silverstein -ATCC-: Mr. Kelly

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: If it was sure…

Alan Silverstein -ATCC-: I’m doing well.

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: how are you?

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: Sorry about that. Yeah, it’s our I’m scrambling busy day.

Alan Silverstein -ATCC-: That Tibetan got me squared away.

Alan Silverstein -ATCC-: Okay, I have three o’clock pm, so I’m going to open the ATCC meeting today and we’ll do a roll call. So I’m the chair. Alan Silverstein.

Alan Silverstein -ATCC-: A.

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: Make sure Rosarion Dorking should be with you. I miss Commissioner Rosarion’s to be with you.

Alan Silverstein -ATCC-: Yeah, I know she’s online. So we don’t have a core.

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: Okay. Commissioners,…

Alan Silverstein -ATCC-: I mean, do we?

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: Pool and Buck have To. Commissioner pulled in that respond so I don’t know if he’s going to be on or not, Commissioner Buck is traveling and won’t be attending. So our hope is that would be you commission rosarion and Commissioner Morissette and Paul.


Alan Silverstein -ATCC-: we’re gonna not worry about approving. The minutes we’re going to go directly to the Executive Directors report.

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: Hi Mr. busy month, as you might know, and expect just to give you very quick on our enforcement activity, we had 138 alcohol, inspections were conducted 221 Tobacco and cannabis inspections were conducted and all those cannabis inspections at 27 locations. We found enough there that we felt compelled to leave an advisory and provide some education about the current law of cannabis in the situation that we’re in right now which is still operating underneath that injunction that stops us from enforcing but we are educating people.

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: We had 13 of all of the incidents of all the inspections we did last month. We had 13 that were reportable and from that we seized a variety of contraband. Set over 17,000, it was 17,724 sticks of other tobacco products. Which those who have seen our storage facilities here. No, it’s a lot of what we get nowadays and it takes up a lot of 207 packs of contraband cigarettes and a tax loss of 1035 dollars. The OTP. I should say, the tax laws for that was 12,406, 80 cents. 3,552 Containers of distilled spirits. it’s a lot. We’ll say that largely. They were miniatures or slightly smaller size containers that were seized. And 53 containers of wine were seized as well.

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: And moving on, if I made to our staffing situation, we have a fiscal services supervisor, that will be starting next week, which will help to fill out a vacancy. We for a little while in our essential shared services, Office. So that higher will be next Wednesday. Today, we’ve Completed the final interviews for our licensing supervisor, which was previously John horny prior to his passing. And it’s been a tough road there, simply because we have two outstanding candidates who have gone to the final round. So we’re in good shape, wherever, that lands, we’re in good shape, but that decision should be made today.

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: And regarding our licensing or rather our permit renal. This is the month of the period of time, because November first, is when our permits expire, we’ve got 50% of our permit applications that we sent that for renewal have come back. All of them have been processed, so there’s no backlog and just so 50% Return rate on these is exceptionally well for this time of year relative to the past years so I’m pretty good shape there. No. Last minute, scrambling.

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: Mr. Chairs, I look over these. that’s all I’m going to report on formally. I know it’s on informal so we don’t have a corn but I will make mention of one other thing and I can’t give you any details because I don’t have them all yet. But next month, I’ll be happy to report out. We had a Barely significant operation, that came to a conclusion, early morning hours yesterday. Don’t have all the details on it yet, but I think it’s going to be impressive and it’s something that you will hear about. No later than Next. Month’s meeting, but maybe even sooner and I think you’re gonna be very impressed. Just care. That’s the conclusion of my report.

Alan Silverstein -ATCC-: Does anybody have any new business? If not. I’m going to adjourn the meeting. We will The approval of September 19 Meeting minutes until next month, and hopefully we will have a quorum. Thank you all for taking the time to join us today.

Jeffrey Kelly -ATCC-: It’s not.

  1. Rosarion: Thank you.

Meeting ended after 00:09:41 👋

This editable transcript was computer generated and might contain errors.

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