Public Commission Meeting #51
- Agenda
- Approved Minutes
Meeting Transcript
Jessica Honeycutt -ATCC-: Let’s check the attendees quickly.
Jessica Honeycutt -ATCC-: It looks like we’re waiting on Betty. so let me just go offline for a
Eric Morrissette: Okay, no worries.
Eric Morrissette: Hope everyone’s doing well and inside from this 28° where I am. cold. Yes.
Dourakine Rosarion: The next board meeting should be somewhere warm.
Eric Morrissette: Can’t make that happen. man.
Eric Morrissette: Sounds good.
Jessica Honeycutt -ATCC-: Bettyy’s coming. She’s just hopping on the phone. Sorry.
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: Shoot.
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: What the f***?
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: Crap.
+1 301-***-**52: Hello. After four hours at Apple,…
Eric Morrissette: Hello.
+1 301-***-**52: I finally have something that works. Not a computer,…
Eric Morrissette: That’s …
+1 301-***-**52: but at least a phone.
Eric Morrissette: four hours is a long time, friend. I’m so sorry. but I think we have a quorum now. So, do we go through the role or…
Jessica Honeycutt -ATCC-: Yes.
Eric Morrissette: do we just go straight to approval of the minutes? Allan,…
Eric Morrissette: I think Allan’s going to be here hopefully soon. Eric Morrison, vice chair here. Robert P.
Dourakine Rosarion: Present. Nothing.
Eric Morrissette: Betty Buck I know is here.
+1 301-***-**52: here. Thanks.
Eric Morrissette: Commissioner Department of Health. Okay, I think we have a quorum. so I see the January 16th meeting minutes are up. just to take a motion for approval of those minutes.
+1 301-***-**52: so moved. I
Eric Morrissette: Second. perfect.
Eric Morrissette: All those opposed. Hearing nothing. We’ll keep going. executive director report.
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: Good afternoon,…
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: This is Jeff Hearn and…
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: I’m sitting in for Jeff Kelly today who is tied up with meetings in Annapolis because tis the season.
Eric Morrissette: Yes. Yes.
Eric Morrissette: Thank you.
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: To review our January activity for the commission, we had 211 alcohol inspections with 3 209 inspections checking for the unlawful sale of THC or cannabis products.
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: So from those we had reportable incidents with 38,579 sticks of illicit OTP products being found where the wholesale or excise tax rather was not paid on them with an approximate tax loss of $23,922. We also seized 15557 packs of cigarettes with a tax loss of $7,785. And we took 19 containers of alcohol which resulted in 5.2 gallons of Dil Spirits with a tax loss of $72.
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: As far as we’ll be going legislative update, Senate Bill House Bill 12, THC offenses. reminder that the purpose of the bill is to mandate that all intoxicating tetrahydro cannibilit cannabil THC products for human consumption for sale at licensed and unlicensed locations adhere to the same packaging and labeling requirements as legal cannabis products for human consumption. This bill also allows the ATCC to seize contraband products once identified and issue citations for violation of this new section of the code. To give you an update on that, Jeff Kelly, Tom and Tom both testified on Tuesday and it looks like it’s going to pass with no amendments, which is great news. if it can come out of committee with no amendments, then it should pass with no issues. We look forward to having that tool.
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: The next would be Senate House Bill 112 cross file. That’s the comproller update on that. The purpose of the bill is to eliminate the actual law that requires the memorandum of understanding between the comproller and ATCC for collaborative on inspections and other enforcement activities related to alcohol and tobacco laws in Maryland. Doesn’t say we won’t work together.
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: We’ll continue to work together. but it’s just removing that mandate. As far as our staffing is concerned, we had two agent vacancies, both of which were filled. One agent started yesterday. he’s a veteran of Baltimore City Police. we have another gentleman joining us in March on March 5th. he a veteran. will be retired out of Montgomery County. And that’s all that I have. Eric
Eric Morrissette: Okay, Thank you. so much. any new business from folks? I just had one question if I can. I know I think two or maybe three meetings ago there was a notice around folks appearing in hospitals with ailments as a result of I think cannabis consumption and there was a very macro kind of notice around that.
Eric Morrissette:
Eric Morrissette: I was wondering if there’s any more information around those kind of reported incidences or can any update on anything related to that I was just curious I know this maybe hopefully I’m not misremembering this…
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: As far as I know from the field enforcement division side of the alcohol,…
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: tobacco, cannabis, we have not been alerted to any of that. I can’t speak for any of the local health departments. Yes. No,…
Eric Morrissette: but it just seemed like a very kind of macro flag that folks raised a few back.
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: I do believe you’re remembering correctly. Yes.
Eric Morrissette: It would great if folks can just provide a general update on where things are there, if there is anything that came of that or if it was just an anomalous situation with a few kind of discrete cases. I’d just be curious but that’s all I had in the way of new business.
+1 301-***-**52: No.
Eric Morrissette: Are there any other questions that any of the commissioners or anyone else had?
Eric Morrissette: Perfect. What?
Dourakine Rosarion: I do not.
Dourakine Rosarion: But we do have a hand raised. Dana
Eric Morrissette: Sorry. I didn’t see
Dana Moncrief -MDH-: Yep. Hi,…
Dana Moncrief -MDH-: it’s Dana Mree. I’m with the Maryland Department of Health. So, just to answer your question, there have not been any new reports. I know that the local health departments, particularly in Baltimore County, are still monitoring the situation. also looking through the records to see if anything else might apply to I list that people have put together for looking at the record.
Dana Moncrief -MDH-: So, we don’t have any updates as of right now.
Eric Morrissette: And thank you so much for the flag. I did not see the hand raised. I don’t have anything else. with that, I’ll take a motion to adjurnn from anyone.
+1 301-***-**52: No moves.
Eric Morrissette: Any second?
Dourakine Rosarion: Second. Stay warm.
Eric Morrissette: All those in favor?
+1 301-***-**52: Bye. Bye.
Eric Morrissette: Any opposed? Hearing none. Thank you all so much. I’ll see you next month.
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: All right.
Jeffrey Herndon -ATCC-: Have a good afternoon.
Meeting ended after 00:15:47 👋
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