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Public Commission Meeting #35

November 16, 2023
Disclaimer: Transcripts are generated and may contain errors, including typos or misinterpretations of the spoken content, and may not follow the video content precisely. While we strive for accuracy, please verify critical information independently.

Public Meeting #35 – Maryland Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission

Date: November 16, 2023
Video Link: YouTube

Meeting Opening

Good afternoon, everybody. Hopefully, you can hear me. Let me make sure I… If you can, the chairman will be with us in just a minute. I’ve just been on the phone with him. He’s having difficulty connecting. There’s been some problems, so we’re trying to get him in another way. I’ll go off-camera for a couple of minutes and hopefully have more updates soon.

(Audio issues and connectivity troubleshooting.)

All right. Can you hear me?


C. Jeff, can you hear me?

C. Jeff:
Yes. Test, test, test. Can you hear us?

I don’t think he can. He may need to push one more button on his phone. My guess is he’s using his phone. I’ll call him real quick and see if I can walk him through that part.

Meeting Officially Begins

Sorry for the inconvenience, everyone. We’re opening the Maryland Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission meeting for November 16, 2023, at 3:09 p.m. Let’s begin with roll call:

  • Chairman: Present
  • Vice Chair: Present
  • Secretary: Present
  • Commissioner Eric Morset: Present
  • Commissioner Betty Buck: Not yet present

Since we don’t have a quorum yet, we can’t approve minutes. We’ll proceed with the Executive Director’s Report while we wait.

Executive Director’s Report

Executive Director:
This is an unusual situation. Without a quorum, I’m not sure if we can officially record minutes. However, I’ll give my report, and we can document it for reference.

Activity Report Since Last Meeting

  • In the last reporting period, we’ve handled 23 enforcement events involving alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis.
  • Significant seizures include:
    • 126,595 individual sticks of tobacco products
    • 1,333 packs of contraband cigarettes
    • 198 containers of beer seized
    • Tax loss to Maryland from seized tobacco products: $74,834.10
    • Tax loss from seized cigarettes: $48,828.75

Special Enforcement at Ravens Stadium

  • At the request of Baltimore City and the Ravens organization, we investigated unlicensed alcohol vendors during two games.
  • First visit: Provided training and information, issued warnings.
  • Second visit: Many unlicensed vendors returned, so we seized alcohol and issued citations.

Statewide Enforcement Actions

We have conducted enforcement actions across multiple counties, including:

  • Dorchester, Prince George’s, Baltimore County, Allegany, Wicomico, Anne Arundel, Cecil, Baltimore City, and Carroll County.

Inspection & Compliance Updates

  • 797 tobacco inspections completed this year.
  • 587 alcohol inspections conducted.
  • 567 cannabis inspections performed.

We will continue monthly updates on inspection numbers to keep track of compliance efforts.

Cannabis Outreach Program

  • Since the Cannabis Reform Act passed, we’ve conducted 12 county outreach meetings with law enforcement and officials.
  • Recent meetings: Cecil County and Somerset County.
  • These meetings improve communication, prevent unlicensed sales, and led to a major cannabis seizure in Baltimore City.

Community & Stakeholder Engagement

  • Attended community meeting on cannabis dispensary issues in Baltimore.
    • Concerns: Parking, littering, long lines, and public cannabis use.
    • Business owners and law enforcement were present to address concerns.
  • Participated in Maryland Alcohol Work Group meeting.
    • A continuation of last year’s Alcohol Summit to address industry challenges and propose solutions.
  • Attended Maryland Alcohol Producers Commission Meeting to discuss tourism and funding grants for wineries, breweries, and distilleries.
  • Presented at Maryland Tobacco Summit, discussing statewide enforcement and violation hearings.

Personnel & Staffing Updates

  • 4 new agents hired in early November.
  • 5 additional agents starting in December.
  • New Communications Officer starting November 22.
  • Trade Practices Officer hires:
    • 1 confirmed hire starts November 29.
    • Waiting for confirmation from the second candidate.

Introduction of Executive Associate – Jessica Honeycut

Executive Director:
I’m excited to introduce Jessica Honeycut, our new Executive Associate. She is an excellent addition and will help modernize our operations.

Jessica Honeycut:
Hi, everyone. I’m excited to be here. I previously worked with the Downtown Partnership of Baltimore, supporting executive leadership and managing stakeholder relations. I look forward to supporting the Commission in any way I can.

Welcome, Jess!

Closing & Adjournment

Does anyone have any new business to bring before the commission?

(No new business was raised.)

Since we don’t have a quorum, we cannot take official actions. The meeting is adjourned.

Next Meeting: TBD

Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving!

(Meeting adjourned.)

Commission Meeting Archives

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Tips and Complaints

Report Violations or File a Complaint

Help us uphold Maryland’s alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis regulations by providing information about violations or non-compliance. Whether you’re submitting a tip about a potential violation or filing a formal complaint, your input is essential to maintaining a safe and well-regulated marketplace.
Please choose one of the following options to proceed:

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Please include any relevant informations, such as names of businesses or individuals who may be in violation.
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