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Tobacco FAQs

Licensing and Permits

To become a licensed tobacco products manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer in Maryland, you must apply for the appropriate licenses from the ATCC, depending on whether you’re involved in manufacturing, distributing, or wholesaling. To become a licensed retailer, you may apply with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the jurisdiction where your business is located.  Specific licenses are needed to sell cigarettes, Other Tobacco Products (OTP), or Electronic Smoking Devices.

Tobacco products’ retail licenses can be viewed in databases maintained by local jurisdictions.

Tobacco products’ manufacturer or wholesaler licenses can be viewed in the ATCC License and Permit Database where licenses or other permits issued by the ATCC are searchable by type or by business name.

Vending Machine stickers are issued by the State Licensing Bureau of the Maryland Comptroller. For tobacco related vending machine stickers, contact the Field Enforcement Bureau  at 410-260-7388. Stickers will be mailed to you after providing the required information, including your name, company name, and the number of vending machines you operate.

Regulations and Compliance

The ATCC’s Field Enforcement Bureau handles the primary  enforcement of state laws governing tobacco products related businesses.  Health and police agencies in each jurisdiction enforce laws related to underage tobacco access and use.

Tax and Sales

The current tax rate is $5.00 per pack of 20.

The Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) is a 1998 settlement between the tobacco industry and 46 states (including Maryland), as well as five U.S. territories. The agreement resolved numerous lawsuits related to the harm caused by tobacco products and required tobacco companies to make annual payments to the states while adhering to restrictions on advertising and marketing.  The ATCC and the Office of the Attorney General are charged with enforcement of Maryland’s laws related to the Master Settlement Agreement.

 No more than five cartons per person for personal use. Importing more than five cartons requires appropriate licensing and payment of excise taxes.  Transportation of cigarettes for commercial sale without payment of excise tax is a felony. See Tax General TG 12-104 and TG 13-1015.

No. It is illegal to purchase cigarettes over the Internet.

Consumer Rights / Restrictions / Complaints Against Retailers

21 years of age. See Criminal Law, 10-107.

No, provided that proper work permits are in place.

Maryland’s Clean Indoor Air Act prohibits smoking or vaping inside of public facilities and businesses in Maryland.  See Health General 24-504.

All cigarettes manufactured or sold in Maryland must be tested and marked as Fire Safety Performance Standards Complaint Cigarettes, sometimes called “Fire Safe Cigarettes.” Manufacturers must certify that these cigarettes are designed to reduce the risk of fires if left unattended. See Business Regulation BR 16-602.

Complaints against tobacco products’ retailers who violate State laws, such as selling to underage persons. Such complaints may be filed with the ATCC Tips, your local law enforcement agency, or your local health department.

Industry Terms and Research
  • OTP (Other Tobacco Products): Products other than cigarettes, like cigars, chewing tobacco, and snuff.
  • Cigarette Excise Tax: A tax imposed on wholesalers when purchasing cigarette tax stamps.
  • Tax Stamp: A stamp that must be affixed to cigarette packs to show that the excise tax has been paid.

You are being redirected to the Comptroller of Maryland’s MD Tax Connect website.

The ATCC does not administrate the MD Tax Connect portal, nor is it responsible for the collection of taxes for any business purposes. Please contact the Office of the Comptroller at 1-800-MDTAXES if you require assistance with these resources.

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Tips and Complaints

Report Violations or File a Complaint

Help us uphold Maryland’s alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis regulations by providing information about violations or non-compliance. Whether you’re submitting a tip about a potential violation or filing a formal complaint, your input is essential to maintaining a safe and well-regulated marketplace.
Please choose one of the following options to proceed:

Submit a Tip

Have information related to violations or non-compliance? Submit a tip to help us maintain regulatory standards.
Please include any relevant informations, such as names of businesses or individuals who may be in violation.
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File a formal complaint related to alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis sales or distribution practices in Maryland.
Please include any relevant informations, such as names of businesses or individuals who may be in violation.
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