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Legal and Legislative Division

Administrative Hearings

Preparing for Your
ATCC Administrative Hearing

If you’ve been notified that you are required to attend an administrative hearing with the Maryland Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission (ATCC), here’s what you need to know to prepare. These hearings are part of the process to resolve issues related to licensing, compliance, and violations in the alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis industries. Below, we’ve outlined key steps and resources to ensure you’re prepared.

Understand the Hearing Process

ATCC hearings are designed to address various matters, including:

The hearings are conducted impartially by a designated hearing officer, and the process is formal but straightforward, allowing both parties to present evidence, documents, and witnesses. Hearings typically take place at the ATCC offices in Baltimore.

Steps to Prepare for Your Hearing

To ensure you're ready, follow these steps:

Review Your Notice

Carefully read your hearing notice for the date, time, and location. It will also outline the reasons for the hearing and any relevant laws.

Gather Evidence

Bring any documentation, records, or other materials that support your case. This may include receipts, inspection reports, or correspondence.


You are allowed to bring witnesses who can provide testimony relevant to the case. Ensure they are available and prepared to speak.

Legal Representation

You may choose to be represented by an attorney. If so, notify the ATCC in advance by submitting a notice of appearance from your attorney. Note that your attorney must be licensed in Maryland.

Requesting Agency Files

If you wish to review the evidence that ATCC will present, you may request access to these files before the hearing. Submit a written request via email to the Director of the Legal and Legislative Division.

Requesting a Translator

If you require translation or interpretation services for the hearing, you can request a qualified translator in advance. Please notify the ATCC as early as possible to ensure these services are arranged for your hearing.

What to Expect During the Hearing

During the hearing, you will have the opportunity to:

The hearing officer will consider all evidence before making a final decision. The decision will be shared with you within 30 days of the hearing, unless otherwise noted.

Possible Outcomes

The hearing can result in several outcomes, depending on the issue at hand, including:

Special Considerations

Failure to Appear

If you do not attend your scheduled hearing, the ATCC may proceed without you, and decisions may be made based on the evidence presented.


If you cannot attend the hearing due to an emergency, you may request a postponement. Requests must be made at least 5 days prior to the hearing for non-emergency situations.

Helpful Resources

Sample Hearing Notice

Licensing and Regulations

Maryland Cannabis Administration


For more detailed information on your hearing or to request documents or a translator, please contact Thomas R. Akras.

Thomas R. Akras, Esq.

Legal and Legislative Division

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The ATCC does not administrate the MD Tax Connect portal, nor is it responsible for the collection of taxes for any business purposes. Please contact the Office of the Comptroller at 1-800-MDTAXES if you require assistance with these resources.

Commission Meeting Archives

Contact by Email

Tips and Complaints

Report Violations or File a Complaint

Help us uphold Maryland’s alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis regulations by providing information about violations or non-compliance. Whether you’re submitting a tip about a potential violation or filing a formal complaint, your input is essential to maintaining a safe and well-regulated marketplace.
Please choose one of the following options to proceed:

Submit a Tip

Have information related to violations or non-compliance? Submit a tip to help us maintain regulatory standards.
Please include any relevant informations, such as names of businesses or individuals who may be in violation.
Would you like to be contacted by an agent?

File a Complaint

File a formal complaint related to alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis sales or distribution practices in Maryland.
Please include any relevant informations, such as names of businesses or individuals who may be in violation.
Would you like an agent contact you?

Your Contact Information
