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About the ATCC

Our Responsibilities to the State of Maryland

The Maryland Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission (Maryland ATCC) provides regulatory, licensing, trade practices, and oversight of Maryland’s alcohol and tobacco industries. While Maryland ATCC does not license or regulate the legal cannabis market, the agency works in collaboration with the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) to enforce laws against the illegal (unlicensed) sale and distribution of cannabis and intoxicating THC products. Our focus is to promote public safety, foster economic growth, and enforce State laws to maintain a safe, transparent, and well-regulated marketplace for alcohol,  tobacco, and cannabis.

On May 3, 2023, the ATC evolved into the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission (ATCC) following the enactment of HB556, signed by the Governor. The ATCC is comprised of seven (7) individuals, five of whom are appointed for a five-year term by the Governor of Maryland, with the advice and consent of the Senate. The other two positions are currently vacant. The commission also includes ex-officio members from the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) and the Maryland State Police (MSP), represented by their designees, Dana Monrief (MDH) and James E. Hock, Jr. (MSP), respectively. The ATCC is tasked with regulating and overseeing the alcohol and tobacco industries and collaborates with the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) in managing the medical and retail cannabis sectors, particularly focusing on issues related to the unlicensed cannabis market.

ATCC History

Originally part of the Comptroller of Maryland, the ATCC was established in January 2021 as an independent Alcohol and Tobacco Commission with five (5) Commissioners. The Commissioners are appointed to five-year terms by the Governor of Maryland, with Senate consent. Ex-officio members include representatives from the Maryland Department of Health and the Maryland State Police.

On May 3, 2023, the Commission was renamed with the legalization of cannabis becoming  the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission (ATCC). ATCC now includes the Office of the Executive Director and divisions for Licensing and Permitting, Trade Practices, Field Enforcement, and Legal and Legislative matters.

Our Mission

The mission of the ATCC is to advance public safety, support economic growth, and reduce public harm by promoting the responsible sale and consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis products through consistent administration and enforcement of laws and regulations, as well as the strategic integration of process management, functional expertise, and the study of operations and administration of similar laws in other states and countries.

Who Does What?

Maryland’s alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis industries generate over $4 billion annually for the State’s economy. The Maryland Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission (ATCC) enforces laws against illegal cannabis sales, while the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) regulates the legal cannabis market. The ATCC also works with the Maryland Comptroller, which oversees tax collection for these industries. In addition to these partnerships, the ATCC collaborates with other stakeholders as needed to support its mission of ensuring public safety and compliance.

Key Agency Responsibilities for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Oversight in Maryland:


Comptroller of Maryland

Maryland Cannabis Administration

Meet the ATCC

The Office of The Executive Director

Jeffrey A. Kelly

Executive Director

Thomas R. Akras, Esq.

Jeffrey Herndon

Andrew J. Waters

Jessica Honeycutt

Field Enforcement Division

Jeffrey Herndon


Mark Wright

Agent in Charge
Field Enforcement

Chris Pavon

Agent in Charge
Division Administrator

Jay Morgan

Agent in Charge
Special Investigations

Legal and Legislative Division

Thomas R. Akras, Esq.


Jeffrey M. Hann, Esq.

Assistant Director

Isai Hernandez

Policy Analyst

Michael F. Nguyen

Communications Officer

Regulatory and Administrative Service Division

Andrew J. Waters


Erin Smyth

Regulatory and Research Manager

Benton Green

Regulatory and Research Assistant Manager

Board of Commissioners


Alan Silverstein



Eric Morrissette

Vice Chair


Robert Poole



Betty Buck


Maryland US state flag with big folds waving close up under the studio light indoors. The official symbols and colors in fabric banner

Dourakine Rosarion




Ex Officio Member


Lt. Col. Roland L. Butler, Jr

Ex Officio Member

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The ATCC does not administrate the MD Tax Connect portal, nor is it responsible for the collection of taxes for any business purposes. Please contact the Office of the Comptroller at 1-800-MDTAXES if you require assistance with these resources.

Commission Meeting Archives

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Tips and Complaints

Report Violations or File a Complaint

Help us uphold Maryland’s alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis regulations by providing information about violations or non-compliance. Whether you’re submitting a tip about a potential violation or filing a formal complaint, your input is essential to maintaining a safe and well-regulated marketplace.
Please choose one of the following options to proceed:

Submit a Tip

Have information related to violations or non-compliance? Submit a tip to help us maintain regulatory standards.
Please include any relevant informations, such as names of businesses or individuals who may be in violation.
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File a Complaint

File a formal complaint related to alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis sales or distribution practices in Maryland.
Please include any relevant informations, such as names of businesses or individuals who may be in violation.
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